Welcome To
SCOPE Saving & Credit
Co-operative Society Ltd. |
Lalitpur is known as a city of good craftsmen and beautiful monuments, pagodas, shrines, temples and monasteries. Most of the people in this city is associated with handicraft works such as, carving, filigrees goods, metal statue buildings, wooden carving. masks production and silver ornaments and so on. These artisans are still following traditional techniques only. It seems there is lack of collective action within the artisans, they could not modify and promote their occupation even though they have skills and manpower because of lack of sufficient working capital. The access of credit is difficult for them. They are also very hesited and unfamiliar with bureaucratic system in formal financial organization to enhance credit in need. |
Downloads |
1. नियमित ॠण फाराम
2. घर जग्गा धितो ॠण फाराम
3. SMS Banking Form
3. २५ औं वार्षिक साधारण सभा प्रतिबेदन
4. २७ औं वार्षिक साधारण सभा प्रतिबेदन
वचत तथा ऋण |
वचतको प्रकार |
व्याज दर |
नियमित वचत |
९% |
साधारण वचत |
६.५०% |
बाल वचत |
८% |
जेष्ठ नागरिक वचत |
८% |
स्कोप नारी वचत |
६.५०% |
स्कोप दैनिक वचत |
५% |
ज्येष्ठ नागरिक मुद्दती वचत |
१०.à¥à¥«% |
सà¥à¤•à¥‹à¤ª à¤à¥à¤°à¤®à¤£ वचत |
६.५०% |
शेयर बचत खाता |
à¥.५०% |
स्कोप चाड पर्व बचत |
६.५०% |
स्कोप Laptop बचत |
à¥.५०% |
आवधिक वचत तर्फ |
३ महिना |
९% |
६ महिना |
९.५०% |
१ बर्ष |
१०% |
२ बर्ष |
१०.२५% |
३ बर्ष |
१०.५०% |
क्रमिक बचत |
- |
पेन्सन बचत |
- |
विस्तृत जानकारी |
ऋणको प्रकार |
व्याज दर |
नियमित ऋण |
१४% |
सुलभ सिमा ऋण |
१५% |
व्यावसायिक ऋण |
१४-१५% |
सदस्य जमानी ऋण |
१३.००% |
Housing Loan |
१४.००% |
Hire Purchase Loan |
१३.५०% |
EMI Loan |
१३.५०% |
आवधिक वचत रसिद धितो |
१% थप |
विस्तृत जानकारी |